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rich uk
S3 licensed
None, the worst posters are usually the funniest. Though S14 is very close
rich uk
S3 licensed
Jesus, it's colder than that spell a few weeks ago. Was -9.8 (Odiham, Hampshire) last night. Very icy all over the place, now has about 2-3 cm of rain on top of it. all going gooey and icy too! Heavy rain 3-4 cm/snow maybe 20 cm for later and then maybe a frost tonight!

Should be fun tomorrow morning I love it
rich uk
S3 licensed
Then we get miserable rain! This is the best weather! Stop complaining. People in the UK are always so bloody miserable lol.

Brighten up, Enjoy it as we hardly ever get it. We always complain we never get any. This may sound like a rant but I love the snow. It doesn't stop me getting to work or doing everything I normally would. But we get the extra bonus of the country looking beautiful (well maybe only in there here rural parts) My own opinions your free to moan and whine about the snow. Just don't whine to me
I attach a picture out the window, And also the warmth of my room at this year.
rich uk
S3 licensed
Some Lovely pics indeed. Shall take some of the melting snow tomorrow!
rich uk
S3 licensed
Flight Unlimited 2!!

My fav flight sim ever. I tried IL2 on my brothers setup (rudder pedals, Saitek X45) and I got shot down............alot........even before I saw other people. Or i got into the air and saw no one for hours heh . was still fun though.
rich uk
S3 licensed
sorry if this has already been done. cba to look back through.

rich uk
S3 licensed

few from last month
rich uk
S3 licensed
Death Race 2000 has by far the coolest car ever!

rich uk
S3 licensed

will post my ubuntu desktop soon.
rich uk
S3 licensed
It gets better when you leave home. You don't always see them and have a lovely break from them. Enjoy!
rich uk
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Oh god. Don't mention barrel-roll.

Why will it mean you have to rant about another useless point?
rich uk
S3 licensed
http://rich-johnston.deviantar ... rt/Eye-of-space-109458833 edited but tough luck

I know DoN secretly loves this........even if he hates "art"
rich uk
S3 licensed
Nice pictures! (last 2 posts) Love that sunset photo!

One of my friends shooting. The rest are dull as I am still working out this whole camera thing

rich uk
S3 licensed
Some pictures from this icy period.

Still no tripod and it was cold so I am shaking .

Also totally forgot about ISO! You can tell I am a noob.

Sorry for size if you are on less than 1200.
All feedback appreciated.

rich uk
S3 licensed
umm, happy new year. Though 90% of you will start it off with a hangover.......including myself.
rich uk
S3 licensed
My Deviant art page has some of my photos.
rich uk
S3 licensed
Harrison Ford looks hot!

rich uk
S3 licensed
Would a touch screen not be the best thing for FPS? touch them it presses down on them and fires. keep it help down for long bursts .

Dunno why no one uses it. it must be bad to play with or somethign I cant work out.
rich uk
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Are you just looking to justify your drug use?

Not at all i'm happy with my situation. But I like to talk about the drug culture as it is such a strange situation we are currently in. (well have been for the past 60 years or so) The mis-information tied with the unwillingness to listen to the other sides opinions from both camps.

To the idea that if legalized the problem will evolve into something worse and more sinister, Well yes but so could the next drug. Who knows what other drugs will surface in this modern world. As science evolves so are drugs of all nature. currently the trend is towards manmade substances, But (And this is a Lerts theory i'm afraid take this with a pinch of salt) What if say for example some crazy substance is found on a planet (Or at CERN who knows) then what could that do to society?

I am open to critisism I don't mind. Thats one reason for this thread, Documenting opinions with posotives and negatives. This helps humanity evlove and become better.

I think alot of this is down to personal choice "It's my body I'll harm it if I want" It's about freedom of society which especially in the UK has become less and less free. We are free to vote for who we like and what to believe in (I just hope it's religion which all children are taught but thats another debate, sorry.) but thats were it stops.

Anyways i'll drag it away from politics. I don't mind what you write here, but it does annoy me when people peg all users of drugs together. There needs to be some sort of recognition that not all things are bad for you in decent doses. I'll leave the over keen marijuana users to themselves they won't be in any state to lift thier hands to the keyboard let alone mug all of England
Marijuana and me
rich uk
S3 licensed
Last edited by rich uk, .
rich uk
S3 licensed
Quote from nesrulz :I suggest you bring back BL1R on DEMO servers.

rich uk
S3 licensed
Count me in, Lx4 please

preferably the 9th
rich uk
S3 licensed
Can I be put on the maybe depending on dates, but I should be fine for any . And i'm just up the road.....ish.....well 30 miles.
